This documentation will guide you on how to manage the users, as it will be done differently in Pulse 2.0 compared to how it’s done in Pulse 1.0
In Pulse 2.0, we have 3 permission groups so far (the list will be extended in the future):
MVP Basic
MVP Senior
MVP Admin
And 2 of the 3 groups (Basic and Senior) have limitations on what they can do on a user.
A. What can MVP Basic & MVP Senior user do?
MVP Basic and MVP Senior users can only change their passwords.
The list of permission groups has been extended to 8 permission groups:
Basic (this is a default permission group that will be added automatically to any user that will be created).
Field Technician
Field Management
Back Office Management
Call Centre Basic
Call Centre Advanced
Below actions can be performed under this module
Changing the known password