These are the permission levels to access the Cook app
Logistics Officer
Shop Manager
IT support: This role specifically is used when one wants to export to retailers
Login page
This is where a retailer/shop manager and logistics officer logs into the app
All of the above users need a username and password to log in
Username: This is composed of a retailer code and for the rest, it’s the first part of the email without adding the domain part.
Password: This is a password set to be used by the user
Home Page
The home page of the Bboxx Cook App has the following features.
After hitting submit you will land on this page
Retailers Names: Information regarding retailers' names both firstname and last name
Retailers shop name: The shop to which a retailer is linked to
Retailers' work location: The location assigned to a given retailer
Exchanges: Information about gas cylinders that we returned
Retailer: The information about cylinders sold
Delivery: Information regarding moves made by a retailer
More: In more, we do have
1.Change password: This is where a retailer can set a new password if he doesn’t remember it
2. Change Language: Here is where a new language is set whenever one wants to use a different language
3. Logout: If an app user wants to move out of the Cook app, he gets a confirmation message
4. App release version information