Reset Password

Reset Password

This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how Users (Staff and Customers) can change their passwords using Pulse.

Step1: Users change their passwords from pulse.bboxx.co.uk by login with their emails and passwords as shown in the following screenshot:


Step2: After logging in, they will find the following page. Click on the “Main Menu”(1) and choose “User Settings”(2):

Step3: The following page will appear; then click on “Reset Password”:

Step4: After clicking on “Reset Password”, You will get the following page:

(1) Provide your current password

(2) Provide a new password of your choice

(3) Follow rules regarding the set of password strength

(4) The strength and weakness of you new password is rated

(5) Re-type your new password to confirm it

(6) Click on Submit to apply the changes