Guide for using Africa's Talking SMS dashboard

Guide for using Africa's Talking SMS dashboard

Africa’s Talking SMS dashboard how-to guide

  1. Go to -> https://account.africastalking.com/

  2. Login with credentials provided+

3. Click on APPs


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4. How to check balance

A. Click on SMS

B. Balance shows in the left top corner

5. How to setup balance alerts to get alerts when credit has reached certain amount specified emails can receive alerts when balance goes below a certain amount

A. Click on setting

B. Click on balance alert

C. Set threshold

D. Add emails that should receive notifications.

6. How to top-up account. Top-up is different for each country:

a. Rwanda i. Request top from Africa’s talking on skype group ii. Share proof of payment on the group 1. Payment can be made by cheque or transfer iii. Africa’s talking team manually adds payment

b. Togo and DRC

i. NGU sends Africastalking email with amount they wish to topup

ii. Africa’s talking will create an invoice converting amount in USD to local currency using the foreign exchange of the day

iii. NGU will wires funds to Africa’s talking bank account listed on the invoice

iv. NGU shares proof of payment with Africa’s talking by sending email to accounts@africastalking.com and @Dennis Odera

v. Africa’s talking adds credit to NGU account in SMS dashboard

c. Nigeria i. User logins in Africa’s dashboard ii. Clicks on apps

i. User logins in Africa’s dashboard

ii. Clicks on apps

iii. Click on billing

iv. Click on payment methods

v. Bboxx can pay by check or wire transfer


7. How to check payments payment history

a. Click on billing

b. Click top Ups