Users (CSCC supervisors) are now allowed to edit some of the information recorded on PAYG installations without voiding, namely installation date, the technician attached to the installation, serial number and products.
We have added a button on the installation form
, which will open a wizard that will ask the user what they need to fix and to insert the correct data.After confirming, the system will fix the installation (see below for the logic behind each case) and return a feedback message to the user, summarising the outcome of the process and the relevant information related to the customer, such as consequent changes in their on time balance, expire date, etc.
This feedback message will give the users a better understanding of the consequences of the fix, especially in terms of PAYG relevant information (daily rate, expire date, default date, etc.)
Example of successful installation fixing: the change in the installation date affected the customer's expire and default date
Where to find the Fix installation button;
- In ERP/CRM, click on Applications
- Search for the customer you want to correct > Product actions
- Scroll down to see the list of installations for that customer.
- Click on the installation you need to fix.
ATTENTION; - You can only Fix the last installation (E.g. if the customer was upgraded, you can only fix the upgrade)
- You can fix installation up to 24 weeks after they occurred.
Users are allowed to change the control unit's serial number. The system will use the normal validation logic (check if there's a control unit in the ERP with that serial number, check if another customer's already attached to it, etc).
Users are also allowed to correct the technician who actually installed the customer. They will be able to select among the list of technicians and search by name or code. The system will detach the wrong technician and attach the installation to the new one. Users will need to make sure that the commissions for that installation are correctly paid to the right technician.
On changing the installation date, the system will reset the scheduled payments and evaluate the impact on the customer's payg account. The logic here is to try not to penalize the customer: if the actual installation date is less recent than the one originally recorded, the system will not move back the expire/default date (customers may go late of defaulted without a clear warning because of a mistake made by Bboxx). On the other hand, if the installation date is more recent, the customer's expired date and default date will be 'shifted' in the future accordingly (if the new installation date is 2 days after the original one, expire and default dates will be moved 2 days in the future).
If wrong products were originally recorded on the installation, the system needs to manage sale orders, delivery orders, scheduled payments as well as the customer's ontime balance.
The wizard will present the users with the list of products linked to the installation, and they are allowed to remove or change existing ones, and/or add new products. Once the users are happy with the new list of products that were actually installed and confirm, the ERP will:
- void the original products, cancel the sale order and create a delivery order to return wrong products
- create (and install) new application products, new sale order and its delivery order
- compute the new daily rate and create an adjustment ontime transaction to adjust for the change in the daily rate, similarly to what happens when PAYG customers upgrade. The adjustment transaction is created only when the new daily rate is lower than the original one (e.g. a TV is returned because of lack of connectivity), and will add on time to the customer's account. In case the new daily rate is greater, we will not adjust the ontime as this may significantly penalize the customer (e.g. they may go late without warning!)
This procedure is possible for products that are not flagged in the ERP as 'signup_product'.
Every time the 'Fix Installation' wizard is called, an entry is created in this log, recording all relevant information such as what was fixed, by whom, what was the outcome, etc.
This will provide supervisors with a searchable list and allow them to assess what the most common reasons for wrong installations are, which customers are affected, which shop managers are involved, etc.
The new log can be accessed from the CRM Configuration:
Here is an example of a log entry: