How to create a customer
Click on ‘Add customer’ icon
Type in the customer primary phone number. Primary phone number
is mandatory.
should be unique, because if you use an existing phone number, Pulse Web will take you to the customer account page.
Alternative contact is not mandatory
If everything needed is filled, click on ‘Next’ button
Note that if you click on ‘Cancel’ button, it will cancel discard everything you have filled.
Fill the personal details
Name: it should not end with a space
Date of Birth
Fill the documents details:
ID type
ID Number based on the allowed ID validation in the NGU
Choose the preferred language, this language will be used in further communication to the customer
Notifications will be sent in this language
Click on ‘Next’ button
Choose the customer’s home address
Fill in other required details:
Customer’s Main source of income
Customer’s current energy source
Choose a referrer (if there is any)
this is optional
if no referrer was involved, disable ‘Referrer involved’
Click on ‘Next’ button
Verify that everything is okay
If ok, click on ‘Submit’ button
if you want to change anything, click on ‘Back’ button to go back to the page you want to edit
if you want to cancel the flow, click on ‘Cancel’ button
After submission, you should get the success pop-up message.