CRM: How to revert a Repossession

CRM: How to revert a Repossession

Repossession is the action of retaking possession of something such as materials, in particular when a buyer defaults on payments.

A repossession might be triggered on a wrong customer or unintended,

this action can be reverted by the CSCC SUpervisor / CSCC Manager, and the user will automatically go back to the normal Status. 

This action is done by a call center Manager or Supervisor in the Call Center.

  • Search for the customer in CRM Module
  • CRM module > Applications > Search for the Customer > Product actions > Click on repossessions

  • Click on Void Repossession

  • Confirm by clicking on OK 

The repossession will then be reverted.

In some cases, there is a warning that serial number is not matched with the application.

  • Check the CU (Serial) number history to verify the CU status of the customer

In that case you will have to check with the Control unit that the Customer had and compare the Serial Number with the one in the system.


The repossession will be marked as voided.

The repossession will be voided and the customer will appear in the system as normal