How to Upgrade through ERP CRM

How to Upgrade through ERP CRM

Some users face the issue of upgrade customers because they don’t have access to CSCC Module.

So based on some research, we decided that it would be better and worth to have this upgrade from CRM users as well the below steps to do this: 

  • Go to CRM​
  • And choose the customer​
  • Application Products Information​
  • Upgrade the customer​

Go in the Application Products and click on “Upgrade Customer”​ 

If any of the above conditions is not met, you won’t be able to upgrade the customer

Choose the product the customer wants to upgrade to


  1. Check Availability
  2. Choose the product the customer wants to upgrade to
  3. Select the Sales Agent who made that upgrade
  4. Click on Upgrade

Once the product and the SA are selected, it will look like this

The customer needs to pay the DP

Each active contract is linked to its own Sales Agent in the Performance Commissions Schedulers : You can still edit/change the contract Sales Agent

How to add the contract Sales Agent after the application was submitted

Commission Stages: 

Stages will only be generated if:

  • There is a Sales Agent linked to the contract and
  • The customer has already paid the DP.

Commission invoices : Sales Agents will be linked to the commission invoices, based on the product contracts they have been linkedto.