Petty cash

Petty cash

This action can only be performed by the following roles:

  • Finance Manager
  • System Process Manager
  • Call Center Supervisor
  • Accountants
  • Customer service manager
  • Account Assistants

The following steps are required to configure Petty Cash on the ERP.

  • As an admin, include all users who will be allowed to create/edit petty cash registers to the permission group Bboxx Petty Cash: Manager
  • Go to Accounting/Configuration/Petty Cash/Account Types, and create for each company the account types (these correspond to the excel sheet items, e.g. Tools, Fuels, etc), linking them to their corresponding account. Each account type should have a unique name. If working with admin or other multi-company users, make sure you select an account belonging to the same company!

  •        3. Go to Organization/Hubs and Shops, open a shop form and select the Petty Cash Journal. This will be the Cash Register Journal to be used for creating expenses on Petty Cash.