These are temporary old definitions but new ones will come in the near future
Consolidated version:
AKA = Also known as
Metric = The number that you see
Dimension = The category by which you filter or slice (on axis or legend) the metric by
Column = When the data is just being shown in a data table as an attribute and is therefore neither a metric or dimension
A Customer can have multiple Accounts which can have multiple Sale Orders which can have multiple Contracts which can have multiple Component Products. All of these levels of hierarchy apart from sale order are covered by different metrics in this dashboard but in most other dashboards we are just concerned with the Account level.
Other Notes:
We haven’t included when a metric is visible through a tooltip for now
There are many cross-references to things in other rows of the table (particularly when capitalized) so please search for the name of something in the rest of the document if not clear what is being described somewhere. You may find it has it’s own dedicated row.
We have tried to organise the table so that any metric referenced in the formula of a metric should have it’s own row earlier on in the table (and not further down)
If a period is selected where targets have not been provided the performance % vs target will be skewed.
Name | Item Type | Description | Pages | Linked Metric/Dimension | Source Tables | Comments | |
1 | New Accounts | Metric | AKA Sales: Count of Accounts having their first sale order where downpayment is paid (i.e. if it is not their first sale order in that Account then they won’t be counted in those sales metrics) | ||||
2 | Upgrades | Metric | Number of contracts where downpayment is paid which were not on a first sale order. Note this is count of contracts, not accounts or sale orders | ||||
3 | New Contracts | Metric | Count of contracts where downpayment is paid | ||||
4 | New Customers | Metric | Count of Customers having their first sale order where downpayment is paid (i.e. if it is not their first sale order in that Customer then they won’t be counted in those sales metrics) | ||||
5 | Contract Value (Total) | Metric | Sum of monetary value of the Contracts that have had their downpayment paid. Not that if the contract is a subscription (with no defined end) then we take 1 year of length to get value. | ||||
6 | Contract Value (3 Year Max) | Metric | Same as Contract Value but if the contract is more than 3 years long, it cuts off the value at what would have been due at 3 years. It is something asked for because of esf contracts of 10 years warping things when we often don’t expect customers to last that whole time before churning. | ||||
7 | % DP-Only Defaulters | Metric | No. DP-Only Defaulters divided by Installs (see definitions of those metrics) | ||||
8 | Installs | Metric | Number of Accounts that got installed (for first sale order) in that period of time | ||||
9 | % TV | Metric | AKA % TV Sales: TV Sales divided by New Accounts | ||||
10 | Agents who made sales | Metric | AKA Active Agents: Distinct count of sales agents who had a New Contract in the selected period. | ||||
11 | Target | Metric | Either the Forecast or Budget target value for New Acocunts for that shop, time period and business division. Filter exists on the dashboard to switch between the two types of target. | ||||
12 | % Target Achieved | Metric | New Accounts actual divided by Target for that selected period. | Rename Daily Sales New Accounts (Target Achieved this Month) | |||
13 | No. DP-Only Defaulters | Metric | Count of Accounts that (in selected time period) passed 30 days since their DP period ended on their first contract and have not paid anything more since their DP. | ||||
14 | DP Only Defaulters Variance | Metric | % DP-Only Defaulters divided by fixed DP Defaulter target of 3% | ||||
15 | TV Sales | Metric | Count of New Accounts which contained a TV in the sale order | ||||
16 | Target Under Achieved | Metric | Target minus New Accounts (i.e. how many are remaining to reach the target). Zero if over-achieved | ||||
17 | Target Over Achieved | Metric | New Accounts minus Target (i.e. how much team went over the target). Zero if under-achieved | ||||
18 | New Accounts vs Last Month | Metric | Percentage difference between New Accounts in this month compared to last month to date (including the days of the month that have so far elapsed this month) | ||||
19 | Actions Count | Metric | Count of all the different technician actions selected (Installations, Replacements and Repossessions). Repossessions should be excluding write-offs. Otherwise still includes not just done actions but also pending, cancelled etc. Just filter to get the subset needed. | ||||
20 | Days Open | Metric | |||||
21 | Average Time to Repo | Metric | |||||
22 | Avg Repo Attempts per Repo | Metric | |||||
23 | Repo Product Count of Items | Metric | |||||
24 | % per repo value lost | Metric | |||||
25 | Total Repo Value | Metric | |||||
26 | Repo product quantity | Metric | |||||
27 | Count of Agents | Metric | |||||
28 | Count of Accounts | Metric | Lead Mgmt | ||||
29 | Days Lead Convert | Metric | |||||
30 | Days Prospect Convert | Metric | |||||
31 | Lead Conversion Rate | Metric | |||||
32 | Prospect Conversion Rate | Metric |
Sales & Upgrades: New Contracts
Sales: New Accounts
Target total to date: New Contracts Target Total to Date
Variance: New Contracts Difference from Target
TV Sales: TV Contracts
%TV Sales : %TV Contracts
New customer: A customer is considered new if their first-ever account is new i.e. the first account should be in the downpayment period.
Existing customer: A customer is considered existing if their first account is not new i.e. the first his/her account is not in the downpayment period
New Accounts: The number of new payg accounts over a period of time. The period is determined by the downpayment date.
New Contracts: This is the count of contracts sold either at a package level, or product when they were sold individually not in a package. The period is determined by the downpayment date.
Contract Value: This is the monetary total contractual value of what has been sold. It is in local currency.
TV Contracts : the number of TV sales.
% TV Contracts :This is calculated for Sales as the number of Sales that had a TV in the bundle.
Date Filter: The date filter is synchronized across all tabs. The date filter for New Contracts and New Accounts is based on down payment date.
New Contracts Target Total to Date: The proportion of the target that should have been achieved by this day of the month. Eg. if the target is 30 and it is the 10th of June then the proportional target is 10.
New Contracts Difference from Target: The number above or below the target the number of Sales was. Green font is above and red is below.
% Target achieved to date: The percentage of the target the number of Sales and Upgrades total was. Green font is above and red is below.
% TVs target: The target percentage TVs as defined by the RM
% Target achieved (in % TVs section): the variation of actual TV % and the target
New Installs: The number of installations in the period selected by the filter. This includes only new sale installations.
No. Repossessions: the number of repossessions completed in the period selected by the filter.
% DP Only Defaulter : This metric shows the number of defaulters divided by the number of installations the period selected.
Agents with New Contracts in Period: Number of sales persons.
New Contracts by Package: The number of packages sold to customers.
Contract type: The pricing terms for a product or a package.
HPA (Hire Purchase Agreement): a contract type where the asset remains on the NGU’s books until the pay plan is completed, and revenue is recognized according to the payment schedule.
Contract length: number of days a customer needs to pay for so that the pay plan can be completed.
Credit type: The smallest whole unit of credit a customer can buy and be switched on under any circumstance. Examples would include: Days, Kg, kWh, MB, etc
Credit price: The price of one credit. For example, $0.20 per day, or $0.50 per kg gas. This is the former daily rate.
Downpayment credit amount: the amount of units of credit given to the customer when they pay the downpayment, they will use these credits before the next payment is due.
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