You will find Battery Testing &Control Unit and Appliance buttons
Battery Testing: When you click on it, you will be asked to provide the Serial Number that a repair Tech wants to test, if you put it on the search button, you will be having to process by clicking on search or you have another option to go back
Control Unit: you can click on Control unit and insert the Serial number of the CU that you want to repair >then click on Go
There is also a black arrow up on the right side you click on it when you want to go back to the previous page
Appliance: A tech that wants to repair any appliance he/she will click on the Appliance button
Once you click on it you will be receiving a new page that has Complete repair & new repair
New repair:
Product details: Need to choose any category and appliance type you want to repair
After clicking on save, the form will be submitted successfully and the appliance repair ID will be provided and you will use it to Complete complete the repair
Once you click on that Button near to circled black arrow you can see all the list of the appliances you have selected for the next stage
Complete Repair: This is the stage that requires the appliance's ID that you have selected to be able to complete their repairing
You insert the Appliance repair ID then click on go