Cost Price: Changes depending on the latest purchase order - used for standard stock valuation in accounting- a price must be entered.
Manufacturing Lead Time: Average delay in days to produce this product. Use the default to be 1.
Quality on Hand: Current stock that we currently have.
Incoming: Quantity of products that plan to arrive.
Outgoing: Quantity of products that are sold or planned to leave.
Forecasted Quantity: Quality on Hand - Outgoing + Incoming
Pull Flow: (currently not in use) Purpose is for moving stock to a new location.
Lots: (currently not in use) If checked this forces users to specify a serial number for all moves containing this product.
Manufacturing Lots is generated by Manufacturing order
Incoming Lots is generated by Supplier Location
Outgoing Lots is generated by Customer location
The fields under the following section are not in use:
Status, Storage Location, Weights, Counter-Part Locations
Inventory Valuation: must be real-time for the system to automatically write journal entries corresponding to stock moves.
Customer Taxes: Please enter the VAT. The VAT will need to be created by the accounting team
Update History
Update History is a log of any changes that are made to the product.
Only fill the Upgrades tab, if the product can be used for an upgrade.
Requires Installation: if the product requires an installation select yes e.g. CU, Light bulb set, TV or package that includes these products.
To be used on: Please select which operation will be available if required. It is very key to select the correct one as this will have an impact on operations for call centre and sales agents.
Tracked by Serial Number: Does the product need to be tracked by serial number.
Power: Must be the correct value
Needs to be a negative number to consume energy. The value should be provided for the product owner.
Maximum units allowed per customer: This restricts the number of units a customer can have of the product.
Maximum units allowed per upgrade: This restricts the number of units a customer can have of the product for an upgrade.
Down Payment Amount: If a down payment for an upgrade/sign up is required please enter the value.
Contract length: how long the payment schedule for the product should be. Defined by the business for the NGU. Usually 2/3 years for the appliance and 10 years for the energy service fee.
Periodicity: The measurement of how often an instalment should be paid - this is usually monthly.
Instalment: Is the monthly price. Will be used for invoicing. Also used to calculate the total number the customer has to pay.
SA Commission: The figure given to the sales agent for commission.
Service to invoice:
Only fill the tab out if the product can be used by PAYG customers.