How do I use a new billing methods on an existing product or package
Subscription & Contract: If I delete an product from my list, how will it affect existing customers who are already on this product?
General guidance for using the new ability to do Product Configuration as an NGU
Who can do product configuration within an NGU
In short the NGU is responsible for deciding who has the access to do this
There will be 2 type of access:
1. Admin which can create and config products.
2. User which can acess all the products but cannot add or configure or remove new products
Who is responsible for performing product configuration and managing the packages and products?
NGU will be responsible for managing their products and configurations. It is up to NGU who and how this is done, but tight management is needed to ensure management of all products is well controlled
What is stopping an NGU staff creating as many packages products as they want?
Mainy access rights. By limiting the access to Admin account, the NGU will limit the amount of people who are able to do the product config
NB: There is no hard ceiling for amount of products
How will NGU access to this be restricted?
It will be resticted by NGUs managing which type of access is given to which user
Subsidies and subsidy eliglble customers within the new billing method process