Repossession attempts can sometimes fail for various reasons. These new features will help the portfolio team track the number of failed repossession attempts for an account, enabling the team to decide whether to write off the account or not.
The process for recording a repossession as a failed attempt is as follows:
From the repossession action, there’s an option to record
failed attempt
failed attempt
gives the user a form to record the tiled repo attempt with the following fields:the field staff user attempting the repossession
time/date of the attempt
reason the repossession was not successful:
Unable to find the customer’s home
Home identified but customer not available
A home was identified but the customer was not available - spoke with someone else in the household
Product not found (lost/stolen/burnt/….)
The customer does not want to return the product (threatened/violent)
The customer promised to pay
Customer paid
Product issue that needs to be resolved before the customer starts to pay again (product taken)
Reason for not paying
free text
If the reason selected is ‘Customer promised to pay’ then an additional field is populated
The user should enter the promised to-pay date
Users can submit or cancel the failed repo attempt form
Failed repossession attempts should be considered as
actions:shown as a done action in the actions list (with some reference and link to any outstanding repossession)
demonstrated on the pending repossession (all failed attempts since the default state that created the pending repo)
shown on the account page
After a failed repossession attempt, there should still be a pending repossession action
It should be possible to query
# failed attempts
andfailed attempt reason
for a defaulted customer (number of attempts since most recent default state)# Failed attempts
should be included in an export of the actions list so portfolio managers can determine batches of default accounts to write off
Checking the process in the pulse:
Step 1: Click on 9 dots and then actions
Step 2: Filter by action type(repossession) and status (pending)
Step 3: Repossession details display and the user can click on the failed attempt to proceed
After clicking on the failed attempt, a user should fill out the form and then click on Record
Step 4: To check the failed repossession attempt user filter status “Failed“
Field users can export the documents of failed repossession attempts. This document of failed repossession attempts includes the reason for the failure and the email address of the user who performed the action.