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You will find Battery Testing &Control Unit and Appliance buttons


  • Battery Testing: is used in the Repair Centre where there is a battery recovery process to test the health in terms of the capacity of recovered batteries.

  • Expected result: PASS for a good battery and FAIL for battery out of accepted range

  • When you click on it, you will be asked to provide the Serial Number that a repair Tech wants to test, if you put it on the search button, you will be having to process by clicking on search or you have another option to go back


  • Control Unit: handle the entire Control unit repair circle. It does two things: Reporting & step by step guide

  • you can click on Control unit and insert the Serial number of the CU that you want to repair >then click on Go


Once you click on it you will be receiving a new page that has Complete repair & new repair

New repair: this field is used while initiating a brand new repair

Product details: Need to choose any category and appliance type you want to repair


  • Once you click on that Button near to circled black arrow you can see the list of the appliances you have selected for the next stage


  • Complete Repair: this field is used to resume an incompleted repair that might have been awaiting for spare parts or the repair form was exited for some reason

  • This is the stage that requires the appliance's ID that you have selected to be able to complete their repairing


Then you continue the process until you reach to the final stage of repair


  • All CUs are tracked by Serial Numbers

  • Most appliances are not tracked by serial numbers reason why Repair Id is used as the unit identify

  • Appliances: handle reporting of all Bboxx appliances