Retail Dashboard
These are temporary old definitions but new ones will come in the near future
Consolidated version: Power BI
AKA = Also known as
Metric = The number that you see
Dimension = The category by which you filter or slice (on axis or legend) the metric by
Column = When the data is just being shown in a data table as an attribute and is therefore neither a metric or dimension
A Customer can have multiple Accounts which can have multiple Sale Orders which can have multiple Contracts which can have multiple Component Products. All of these levels of hierarchy apart from sale order are covered by different metrics in this dashboard but in most other dashboards we are just concerned with the Account level.
Other Notes:
We haven’t included when a metric is visible through a tooltip for now
There are many cross-references to things in other rows of the table (particularly when capitalized) so please search for the name of something in the rest of the document if not clear what is being described somewhere. You may find it has it’s own dedicated row.
We have tried to organise the table so that any metric referenced in the formula of a metric should have it’s own row earlier on in the table (and not further down)
If a period is selected where targets have not been provided the performance % vs target will be skewed.
Name | Item Type | Description | Pages | Linked Metric/Dimension | Source Tables | Comments | |
1 | New Accounts | Metric | AKA Sales: Count of Accounts having their first sale order where downpayment is paid (i.e. if it is not their first sale order in that Account then they won’t be counted in those sales metrics) |
2 | Upgrades | Metric | Number of contracts where downpayment is paid which were not on a first sale order. Note this is count of contracts, not accounts or sale orders |
3 | New Contracts | Metric | Count of contracts where downpayment is paid |
4 | New Customers | Metric | Count of Customers having their first sale order where downpayment is paid (i.e. if it is not their first sale order in that Customer then they won’t be counted in those sales metrics) |
5 | Contract Value (Total) | Metric | Sum of monetary value of the Contracts that have had their downpayment paid. Not that if the contract is a subscription (with no defined end) then we take 1 year of length to get value. |
6 | Contract Value (3 Year Max) | Metric | Same as Contract Value but if the contract is more than 3 years long, it cuts off the value at what would have been due at 3 years. It is something asked for because of esf contracts of 10 years warping things when we often don’t expect customers to last that whole time before churning. |
7 | % DP-Only Defaulters | Metric | No. DP-Only Defaulters divided by Installs (see definitions of those metrics) |
8 | Installs | Metric | Number of Accounts that got installed (for first sale order) in that period of time |
9 | % TV | Metric | AKA % TV Sales: TV Sales divided by New Accounts |
10 | Average Contract Length | Metric | Average number of contract length in days for the contracts that were DP paid in the selected period (HPA contracts only) |
11 | Agents who made sales | Metric | AKA Active Agents: Distinct count of sales agents who had a New Contract in the selected period. |
12 | Target | Metric | Either the Forecast or Budget target value for New Acocunts for that shop, time period and business division. Filter exists on the dashboard to switch between the two types of target. |
13 | % Target Achieved | Metric | New Accounts actual divided by Target for that selected period. |
| Rename Daily Sales New Accounts (Target Achieved this Month) |
14 | No. DP-Only Defaulters | Metric | Count of Accounts that (in selected time period) passed 30 days since their DP period ended on their first contract and have not paid anything more since their DP. |
15 | DP Only Defaulters Variance | Metric | % DP-Only Defaulters divided by fixed DP Defaulter target of 3% |
16 | TV Sales | Metric | Count of New Accounts which contained a TV in the sale order |
17 | Target Under Achieved | Metric | Target minus New Accounts (i.e. how many are remaining to reach the target). Zero if over-achieved |
18 | Target Over Achieved | Metric | New Accounts minus Target (i.e. how much team went over the target). Zero if under-achieved |
19 | New Accounts vs Last Month | Metric | Percentage difference between New Accounts in this month compared to last month to date (including the days of the month that have so far elapsed this month) |
20 | Actions Count | Metric | Count of all the different technician actions selected (Installations, Replacements and Repossessions). Repossessions should be excluding write-offs. Otherwise still includes not just done actions but also pending, cancelled etc. Just filter to get the subset needed. |
21 | % Completed | Metric | Actions Count where Action Status='done' divided by Actions Count where Action Status='done' OR ‘pending’ |
22 | Days Open | Metric | Count of days between when a pending action was created and current date |
23 | Average Time to Repo | Metric | Number of days between when a pending repo was created (most recent pending repo for the account) and when a successful repo was recorded. |
24 | Avg Repo Attempts per Repo | Metric | Average for count of failed and done repossessions per account that was successfully repossessed. |
25 | Repo Product Count of Items | Metric | Count of products that were subject of a completed repossession. |
26 | % per repo value lost | Metric | Sum of product value for lost items in repossession divided by Total Repo Value |
27 | Total Repo Value | Metric | Sum of product value for all the products in the repossession. |
28 | Repo product quantity | Metric | Sum of product quantity for all the products in the repossession. |
29 | Count of Agents | Metric | Count of distinct people registered as sales agents who ever actually made a sale |
30 | Count of Accounts | Metric | Count of accounts plus count of customers that are prospects who have not had an account created yet | Lead Mgmt |
31 | Days Lead Convert | Metric | Average number of days between when a sale order is recorded and when the downpayment is paid |
32 | Days Prospect Convert | Metric | Average number of days between when a customer record is created and when a sale order is recorded |
33 | Lead Conversion Rate | Metric | Count of accounts that got to DP Paid state or beyond, divided b count of accounts that got Lead state or beyond. |
34 | Prospect Conversion Rate | Metric | Count of accounts that got to Lead state or beyond, divided b count of accounts that got Prospect state or beyond. |
35 | Date (Timeline Filter) | Dimension |
36 | CU Type Hierarchy | Dimension |
37 | Location Hierarchy | Dimension | AKA Geography Hierarchy |
38 | Billing Method Type Hierarchy | Dimension |
39 | Sale Type Hierarchy | Dimension |
40 | Division/Package Hierarchy | Dimension | AKA Product/Package (TBC, needs cleanup) |
41 | Contract Type | Dimension |
42 | Contract Length | Dimension |
43 | Sale / Signup Source | Dimension |
44 | Agent Name | Dimension |
45 | Technician | Dimension |
46 | Action Type | Dimension |
47 | Action Status | Dimension |
48 | Days Open (Bucket) | Dimension |
49 |
| Dimension |
50 |
| Dimension |
51 |
| Dimension |
52 |
| Dimension |
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