Finance Dashboard
Consolidated version:
AKA = Also known as
Metric = The number that you see
Dimension = The category by which you filter or slice (on axis or legend) the metric by
Column = When the data is just being shown in a data table as an attribute and is therefore neither a metric or dimension
Other Notes:
We haven’t included when a metric is visible through a tooltip for now
There are many cross-references to things in other rows of the table (particularly when capitalized) so please search for the name of something in the rest of the document if not clear what is being described somewhere. You may find it has it’s own dedicated row.
We have tried to organise the table so that any metric referenced in the formula of a metric should have it’s own row earlier on in the table (and not further down)
Name | Item Type | Description | Pages | Linked Metric/Dimension | Source Tables | Comments | |
1 | Total Cash Collected | Metric | Shows the total amount of cash that has been collected in a given period. | Overview |
2 | Recurring Cash | Metric | Shows the total amount of cash collected from existing customers excluding new sign ups, in a given period. | Overview |
3 | Max Potential Cash | Metric | Contractually expected recurring cash for a particular period. Just includes paying portfolio. Some customers will move in and out of the active portfolio cohort at different points in the period and the total potential only covers those days. | Overview |
4 | Down payment and Upfront cash(DP/Upfont Cash) | Metric | Shows the total amount of cash collected from new customers/sign ups including upgrade down payments, in a given period. This also includes upfront sales. | Overview |
5 | Collection Rate | Metric | Recurring cash collected divided by max potential cash (excluding defaulters). Either for a given month or the last 90-days from now. Will be replacing % Recurring Cash Collected. | Overview |
6 | Collection Rate Vintage | Metric | This is cumulative collection rate by cohort. It includes customers that have defaulted, been repossessed or written off as well as customers who have completed payments or those that chose to opt out. This means that even when a customer is defaulted/repossessed/written off , the expected cash will still be counted in the denominator. The available status filter represents status now. |
| We currently use a linearized daily rate where the downpayment get’s spread over the whole contract length instead of being front-loaded. This is a simplification we are working to remove. |
7 | Contractual ARPU | Metric | Shows the average max potential cash for 30 days of the paying portfolio excluding defaulted customers | ARPU |
8 | Effective ARPU | Metric |
| ARPU |
9 | Sign-Up ARPU | Metric | Weighted ARPU but only for the cohort of customers that signed up and have been installed in that particular month. Excludes upgrades. | ARPU |
10 | Number of Payments | Metric | The count of transactions that have happened. Not the monetary value. Fake payments that were generated by the system but not originating from customer have been removed. | Payments |
11 | Average Payment Size | Metric | Average monetary value in local or USD currency of each payment transaction. | Payments |
12 | Average Payments Per Customer | Metric | On average how many transactions does each active customer make in the month period. Total number of payments divided by how many customers there were that month. | Payments |
13 | Average Minutes to Reconcile Payments | Metric | The difference in time between when the payment enters Pulse and when it is credited to the customer's account. |
14 | Budgeted Total Cash | Metric | This is total cash budgeted according to the financial model. It's updated every month by Finance. Note: We do not have Budget values for some NGUs at the moment. | Actual Vs Budget (Currently Disabled) |
15 | Budgeted DP Cash | Metric | This is down payment cash budgeted according to the financial model. It's updated every month by Finance. | Actual Vs Budget (Currently Disabled) |
16 | Budgeted Recurring Cash | Metric | This is recurring cash budgeted according to the financial model. It's updated every month by Finance. | Actual Vs Budget (Currently Disabled) |
17 | % Target Achieved | Metric | Shows percentage of the target achieved, actual vs target i.e. Max Potential Recurring cash or Cash budgeted according to the financial model. | Actual Vs Budget (Currently Disabled) |
18 | ESF Only Customer | Dimension | If the account only has an ESF contract remaining active then “Yes”, else “No”. We identify ESF contract based on having the ESF product tag or having ESF in the name. There are complexities around excluding products/packages which have things like “ESF upgrade” in the name which are not the same as pure ESF. | Overview, By Region, Active Portfolio, Portfolio at Risk, Portfolio Outflow, Portfolio Splits |
19 | Voided | Dimension | Payments can be voided in Pulse manually when it is decided they were not correct. That normally means the money gets refunded to the customer. |
20 | Expired Customers | Metric | Shows the max potential amount that would be collected from customers who are behind on payments i.e. expired (late). | Missed Cash (Currently Disabled) |
21 | Defaulted customers | Metric | Shows the max potential amount that would be collected from defaulted customers i.e default and pending repossession. | Missed Cash (Currently Disabled) |
22 | Cash Equivalent of Free Time | Metric | Total amount of enable and manual time used in cash, in a given period. | Missed Cash (Currently Disabled) |
23 |
24 | Cash Equivalent of Ontime Balance | Metric | Shows the cash equivalence of on-time balance customers have by the end of a given period that will be used in the future. | Ontime Balance (Currently Disabled) |
25 | Distribution of customers by Ontime Balance in Days | Metric | Shows today's snaphot of the number of customers and how many days they have pre paid to be used in the future. | Ontime Balance (Currently Disabled) |
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