Home Rwanda Territory Planning Tool Help Article

Home Rwanda Territory Planning Tool Help Article

This is an article to teach Rwanda NGU how to use the Territory Planning Tool.

What is Territory Planning Tool?

It is a tool that will be helping NGUs to assess territory sales and aftersales potential based on publicly available information. So that an NGU can:

  • Decide which territories to focus on and which to ignore, and

  • Fairly evaluate staff based on whether good/bad performance is due to a good/bad staff or underlying territory factors.

  • Have something to give to a new RS/RAM that can help him/her know and improve the assigned area.

The main users of the tool are:

  • Retail Manager

  • Retail Area Manager

  • Retail Supervisor

  • Agent Admin

  • NGU Trainer

It is an excel file that has 10 sheets in it:

  • Overview

  • Input_Assumptions

  • regionData

  • shopData

  • territoryData

  • colorCode

  • NEP: stands for National Electrification Plan

  • VillagePerformance

  • TerritoryCoverageInfo

Here is the Territory Planning Tool

How to use the tool?

To explain how the tool should be used, we need to go sheet by sheet in this help article.

A. Overview

User should not change anything in this sheet.

This sheet has a drill-through feature that allows the user to:

  • Go from Region map to Sector (territory) map and displays info related to the selected area

  • See the definitions of the used terms.

This sheet has 4 main sections:

  1. Map window: this is where the window the user will need to drill-through from Region to Sector (and vice versa). There are 3 boundaries: region, shop and territory boundaries.

  2. Navigation buttons: there are two buttons:

    1. Whole country: with this button, the user can switch to the whole country view from any level.

    2. Up a Level: the user can go up a level. For example: from shop view to whole region view

  3. Selected area info: information for the selected area will be displayed in this table

  4. Definitions: explanation of terms and signs used in the tool

B. Input_Assumptions

User can edit some of the info of this sheet

It contains data that can be edited and other that should not be edited. Only the cells highlighted in yellow can be edited.

Note: HH stands for the household

Below are the explanation of the fields used in this sheet.

  • Pop 2020: it’s Rwanda population in 2020 based according to Google

  • Fertility rate: Rwanda fertility rate in 2020 as per google report

  • # of HH (2 parents assumed): the calculation of the number of households. Formula: Population / Number of people in the household (assuming that there will be 6 people in the household (4 kids and 2 parents)

  • Percentage of HH that will buy (in off grid area): this is the percentage that NGUs can modify depending on how many households they think they can target in the villages that NEP demarcated for SHS.

  • Est. of HH that bought competition systems: this is an assumption that a certain percentage of households that can buy solar per village have already bought systems from Bboxx competition.

  • Assumption of potential HH in urban (GE): assumption of the percentage of households that an NGU can target in the village that NEP demarcated for the grid.

  • Assumption of potential HH in urban (Minigrid): assumption of the percentage of households that an NGU can target in the village that NEP demarcated for mini grid.

C. regionData

User can only view and should not change anything in this sheet.

It contains data related to the region, fetched from another sheet called “shopData”.

D. shopData

It contains data related to the shop, fetched from another sheet called “territoryData”.

E. territoryData

It contains data related to the shop, fetched from another 2 sheets called “NEP” and “TerritoryCoverageInfo”.

F. colorCode

There are 3 colors to be used in the map (Red, Yellow and Green) and the map will change colors based on other inputs but the range set here will matter too.


NEP stands for National Electrification Plan, this is the file received from EDCL that shows how every village in the country is demarcated for the energy (SHS, Grid or Mini grid).

G. VillagePerformance

Because the tool will take into account the sales made by Bboxx in every village in order to calculate the remaining potential, the user will need to update this sheet when needed. He will use a Data Warehouse query that will give him 3 needed columns:

  • Village code

  • Number of active customers

  • Number of inactive customers

Here is the query to use

select c.install_address_code, count(case when c.customer_active is true then c.unique_customer_id else null end) as active_customers, count(case when c.customer_active is false then c.unique_customer_id else null end) as inactive_customers from rwanda_kenya.customer c where c.unique_customer_id like 'BXCR%' and c.install_address_code is not null group by 1

H. TerritoryCoverageInfo

To update the 2 columns in sheet called “territoryData”, the user will need to update this sheet with the updated info that he will export from ERP. Here is how to do it:

  1. Go to Sales Agents module

  2. Under configurations click on Sales Territories > Search Territories

  3. Add the filter “Type contains Sector

  4. Make sure you display all the search results

  5. Click on “Excel” to export the search results