Landing Page

Landing Page

Upon successful login, this page will be presented. Where it allows technicians to search for customer details and it also automatically loads the customer list when the user navigates to the customer search tab.



This interface allows technicians to search customer information with various criteria or filters.

  • With Customer ID

  • With the Customer’s name

  • With the customer’s phone number

By clicking on more, the app displays settings where a technician can be able to change the password and log out of the session.

Settings Page

To change their password, technicians must go through a series of steps.

Steps for changing password
  • Enter a new password: The new password should contain at least

    • 3 of these: Upper case letter, Lower case letter, symbol or number

    • 10 characters

  • Re-enter new password: The newly chosen password should be re-entered for confirmation.

  • Enter Old password: the old password that the agent is changing should also be entered.

  • Reset: By clicking on this password will be changed.

To be able to log out just by clicking on the lock and confirm or cancel the process.

Logout Confirmation


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