Creating New Retailers
This action of creating new retailers is done by Logistics Officers.
Retailers Creation Process
LO creates retailers from the app
The support guy exports the list of retailers from the app and creates them in AD
Each retailer needs to login to the app to become active in the system
Log In as Logistics Officer
Once a logistics officer logs into cook app he gets the same interface as a retailer but with few modifications
The Logistics officer names: The Firstname and Lastname of the LO
His assigned shop: The shop he is found in
His work location: The Location assigned to the LO
Exchange: This is where gas cylinder exchanges are made and they can only be made by retailers
Delivery: It's where moves are created
Retailer: He gets to see a list of retailers in his work location
Create New Retailer: This is where a retailer is created
Steps to Create a retailer
Click on an icon with + symbol (7)
A new form will be opened and you must fill in the following
Shop Name, Shop Owner, Phone number, Opening Time, Closing Time, Days of Operation
Locate a retailer, City, Shop, Sub area, and Location Details
3. Hit submit button the retailers will be automatically created in the system and their codes are generated automatically.
4. A list of created retailers will be found in the Retailer module once a shop manager logs in
Export Of Retailers Process
When exporting created retailers you need to have an IT support role and the account should be in the location of the retailers you want to export
Log In as an IT support
After logging into the app you get an interface with Exchange and Retailer Module
When you click the retailer module you get another interface with a list of retailers created
Then click on export button