Campaigns & Notifications
In MVP, we will have the 4 most important campaigns and each campaign has one notification. .
Available campaigns in MVP
Below are the campaigns that will be available in MVP:
Active Metered Device: this will be sent when the metered device is activated.
Customer Expired: it will be sent when the customer has no time left (expired).
Order Submitted: it will be sent when the order is submitted so that the customer can know the payment details.
Payment Link: it will be sent when a payment is linked, to notify the customer that the payment he made has been successfully received.
Which user can access/edit the campaigns/notifications?
MVP users have different permissions on campaigns/notifications:
| Can Access (view only) | Can edit | Notes |
MVP Basic | NO | NO | The ‘Notifications’ button is grey and not clickable. |
MVP Senior | YES | NO | The ‘Notifications’ button is blue and clickable, but this user cannot do any modification |
MVP Admin | YES | YES | This user can do the modifications |
In MVP, no user will be allowed to add or delete a campaign / notification.
How to get to the notifications?
Click on the 9-dots menu > click on ‘Notifications’
You will get the list of available campaigns, that has 5 columns:
Campaign name
Campaign ID
Number of notifications in the campaign
Trigger: what triggers a notification
Status: can be:
Active: only active campaign/notification will work.
Inactive: an inactive campaign/notification will not work.
In case the list is big and it’s hard for you to find which you want, use the filter option
In the filter, you can add different filters, to help you find what you want
How to edit a campaign?
To open a campaign, click on the desired campaign name.
Click on the Edit button (if you are a Senior user, the button will be grey and not clickable, and you will be told that you don't have access)
The only changes that you can make are:
Editing the campaign name and
Disabling a campaign
Once you have done all the changes you want, click on the Save button
How to edit a notification?
When you open a campaign, you see the list of notifications that are in that campaign. The list has 3 columns
Notification name
Delivery medium: in MVP, we will have SMS
Status: can either be Active or Inactive
To open the notification, click on its name
Click on Edit, and as you can see a notification has templates, that will be used to define which message goes to the customer.
You can now:
edit the notification name
disable a notification
edit the template (text body)
Editing the template (text body)
A notification template is a combination of your own words and template tags. Template tags will be used for the customer/account attributes that cannot be typed in here because every customer/account has its own attributes and you cannot create a notification for each customer.
To add a template tag, type a square opening bracket '[' and Pulse will suggest you a list of available tags that are relevant for the selected template/notification.
Template tags are not mandatory → You can have a template that doesn't have a tag in it
You can't use tags that are irrelevant to the chosen notification because Pulse will only show you the relevant tags
After you have done all the desired modifications, click on the ‘Save’ button to save the changes, or the ‘Cancel’ button to discard all the changes.