Bulk State Change

Bulk State Change


These features can be used to make a bulk change state, which can save a lot of time for the repair supervisor.

Step1: To navigate record replacement

  • Go to Repair module and then select Bulk state change

Step2: To add CUs

  • Scan the barcode or QR code of the serial numbers of the units. (Repair Supervisor has barcode scanner device)

  • Scanned serial numbers appear in the input field and then on the table one by one. [If not try putting the cursor on the input box first and then scan the serial number]

  • After a few seconds, the current state of the CU will be displayed in the records table.

  • Maximum 20 records can appear in the table

  • When the CU scanned is duplicated or more than 20 CU are scanned, an error message “ CU already scanned or maximum 20 serial numbers criteria reached” appeared

Step 3: To change the CU state to IN_REPAIR_SYSTEM

  • Select the “Change state in-repair” to change the New CU state from N/A to In Repair System.


  • You can delete a record by clicking the cross icon at the end of the row or you can delete everything by clicking on “Remove All“




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