Cook App Home Page
These are the permission levels to access the Cook app
Logistics Officer
Shop Manager
IT support: This role specifically is used when one wants to export to retailers
Login page as a Retailer
This is where a retailer/shop manager and logistics officer logs into the app
All of the above users need a username and password to log in
Username: This is composed of a retailer code and for the rest, it’s the first part of the email without adding the domain part.
Password: This is a password set to be used by the user
Home Page as a Retailer
The home page of the Bboxx Cook App has the following features.
After hitting submit you will land on this page
Retailers Names: Information regarding retailers' names both firstname and last name
Retailers shop name: The shop to which a retailer is linked to
Retailers' work location: The location assigned to a given retailer
Exchanges: Information about gas cylinders that we returned
Retailer: The information about cylinders sold
Delivery: Information regarding moves made by a retailer
More: In more, we do have
1.Change password: This is where a retailer can set a new password if he doesn’t remember it
2. Change Language: Here is where a new language is set whenever one wants to use a different language
3. Logout: If an app user wants to move out of the Cook app, he gets a confirmation message
4. App release version information