April 2021 Implementation Planner

April 2021 Implementation Planner


What was released last month? (March)

What is planned for release/pilot/rollout over the next month? (March)

General Updates on Key Projects

Blockers (Issues getting in the way or slowing things down)


What was released last month? (March)

What is planned for release/pilot/rollout over the next month? (March)

General Updates on Key Projects

Blockers (Issues getting in the way or slowing things down)

HW Value Proposition

@Peter Kossakowski (Unlicensed)






@Peter Kossakowski (Unlicensed)


Dimmable light

Share pilot report by Mid April 2021

Dimmable light

Pilot stage

88 units has been distributed to customers.

Share pilot report by Mid April 2021

Sample orders

  • 3 samples left Rwanda to Kenya and DRC.

  • NGU’s can order 2-3 sample to be added in next sea freight. Contact Claudine/PeterK to confirm sample order.

Phone Charger

  • Test result shared to sourcing team.

Next step

  • Produce trial order of two in one USB cable

  • Reach out to NGU to know which one is interested to pilot new phone charger “product and shipment cost will be covered by Innovation team“.

  • Each NGU will get 5-10 samples


  • Confirm product for mass production.

New Orders

  • Important: Price increase due to raw material changes in China


Parabolic Antenna

  • 1,000 pcs are being produced for the shipment by end of April to DRC

  • Kenya has received a sample

  • DRC Orange will get a sample once a product is ready

  • NGU’s can order samples (contact Claudine/PeterK)


bP3-12/Taal Phase 2

@Peter Kossakowski (Unlicensed)





bP20-10 / Taal Phase 1

@Peter Kossakowski (Unlicensed)





bPower50 and Redesigned bPower100 (Teide)

@Juma Stephen (Unlicensed)





Cook LPG

@Paul Büttner (Deactivated)


  • Payment service integration w/ PAYGO E platform for DRC


  • DRC: Current portfolio - 144

  • Kenya: 6 sales (low traction), thinking about moving the pilot to another shop


  • DRC: Contract close to be signed, 10 Beta users

  • Kenya: 22 sales


  • DRC: >20sales in first week

    • PAYGO E platform is set up to do the Upfront sales

PAYGO E integration:

  • Development on PAYGO E platform integration with Pulse Payment service has started


Pulse 2.0

@Andrew Kent (Unlicensed)

  • Connected the Pulse Web App to the new back-end

    • Created a design community of NGU “power users” to get NGU feedback more quickly on Pulse 2.0

  • Initial instance for upfront sales, with multiple delivery methods: a user can create a customer, sell them products, and fulfill the order by either delivery or collection

Next big design priorities (which we will be getting feedback on):

  • Product Configuration

  • PAYG 2.0 and billing methods


Managing Field Staff

@Jacques Kagabo (Unlicensed)

@Ruairi McLoughlin (Unlicensed)

Free stock assignment UAT completed with representatives from Kenya and Rwanda NGUS

Free stock assignment pilot rollout planned for mid-April, allowing time for high-priority improvements to the free stock forms identified in UAT in March.

Draft rollout plan completed, further coordination with @James Down (Deactivated) planned this week (29/03/21).

Serial number tracking project will resume once free stock assignment is implemented successfully as a high-priority project.

Pulse 2.0

  • carrying out shop visits and user research interviews with colleagues in Kenya and Rwanda over the past weeks

  • projects including product configuration and fulfilment are underway and progressing well



Fighting Fraud & Enforcing Payment

@Anthony Mabonga





DCM for bPower50

This project is intended to convert bPower50 devices from SCM to DCM. This will solve pending disable issues which currently result in the loss of revenues of up to $0.2 per customer per month across the NGUs.


  • Completed SCM to DCM conversion design.

  • Critical stories are written on PO’s board and kicked-off development to allow the conversion

  • Ongoing improvements for bPower20 DCM which will be useful for DCM for bPower50 implementation.

    • Released configuring bPower20 screen messages

    • Released removing manual on-time in Pulse for bPower20 customers.


ESF Compatible PULSE

@Gilbert Ishimwe (Unlicensed)

Filters to access amount remaining before ESF only in the ERP advanced search

What it is: It is a filter that allows NGU to easily filter amount until ESF only through ERP advanced search and use that information as a trigger for some actions.

Why it is important: This information/data helps to enhance actions like:

  • Proactively connecting with ESF only customer to sell them upgrade

  • Sending congratulations SMS once a customer reach ESF only

  • Provide bonus days when joining ESF-only period, etc

Filters to access ESF only date in the ERP advanced search

What it is: It is a filter that allows NGU to easily filter ESF only date details under ERP advanced search and use that to come up with the list of customers Joining ESF only in certain period of time

Why it is important: This information/data helps to

  • Understand customers joining ESF only on monthly basis

  • Encourage upgrades for customers joining ESF Only


  • Allowing Completed customers to upgrades is under testing (UAT)

  • Two other stories are drafted: (1) Repossessing a completed customer with an active upgrade, (2) Swapping a completed customer with an active upgrade

  • Pay for repairs for completed/opt-out customers story in the current system is almost ready for development (having discussion with supply chain).


PULSE Product Integrations

@Davis Nteziryayo (Unlicensed)





Complete Care & Repair

@Longin Sebahizi



  1. UAT the IRT/ERP Integration Tool:

What it is:

DC repair technicians use IRT to report spares used. This is the data we use to generate the monthly warranty claims. However, DC logistics officers use ERP stock moves to manage inventory of spares. We often have a variance between spare stock moves done by the logistics officers and what repair technicians report in IRT

Why it is important:

The purpose of the sync tool is to synchronize IRT and ERP and trigger automatic stock moves when technician reports a part in IRT to capture accurate spare Usage in ERP.

Update: Most of stories of this project are at the UAT stage while others, their development is in progress.


Supply Chain Integrated Tool

@Jackline Abagwaneza

@Abdulrazack Karim (Unlicensed)





B2B Systems Migration (From ERP 7 to SAP) - BONSAI Project

@Duarte Ferreira (Unlicensed)





Nigeria Market Re-Entry

@Robin Scanlon (Unlicensed)

  • Offers made to Logistics, Customer Service, Retail Expansion Managers.

  • Firstbank integration kicked off.

  • Many systems configured, testing beginning.

  • Draft customer contract shared.

  • Full systems configuration, and end to end testing.

  • Stock arrival and clearing.

  • First shops opened and fitted.

  • First sales

  • PULSE Testing

  • Firstbank integration behind schedule as they wanted a customer endpoint API, but we have suggested a worakround, so technical testing will start this week.

  • System crash lost 2 days of configuration work.
