Home Configurations
The configurations tab is where you can configure the options that are in the sales agent creation menu. You can add and remove the options in the drop-down menus. This section is generally to be used by System Admin user on this module.
This contain details of past and future commissions; status, Stages, Agent attached to invoices, Customer ID on each sale, etc…
Types of commissions
We have three type of commission all their configuration and set-up happen here.
Base Types
Other types of commission show anything added into commission manually as corrections often.
Periodic AllocationÂ
Periodical Allocation is a setting that allow multiple agents to work in a certain location for a market storming or road shows events.
Education Categories
Education category is a setting that allow adding or removing a field on the information that will be displayed during the agent creation.
Agent Category
Agent Categories are three as for now and this configuration can help to add channel or another agent category on the agent creation form.
Dynamic Rules
Dynamic rules help us to configure most Agent form validations.
Example NID should be 16 digits, Date format, email format, etc…
Payment Method
Normally we have to Method of payment: Mobile Money and Bank transfer on our agent payment module. This configuration helps to Add a method because it varies form one country to another.
Email configuration was an approach to send the monthly invoice to our agent from country agent Admin.
This configuration was not tested since most of our agent didn’t had email addresses to receive the invoice.
Sales Territories
Sales Territories also called CRM Location is the only place with Agent and customer locations.
Search Territories
Search option on territories will show values with exact result of the key word used (Code or name)
Territory Types
Territory type will depend on a country address level, and we can change or modify the type from this setting.
 Import Territories
Import location is like create location and it’s done from this menu.
For more steps to upload the address location file you care refer yourself here.Â
General Configurations
General configuration was configuration created to be able to determine good and bad customer based on Contract Performance Customers.
Here we can modify as long as business process approves changes regarding the same.
Accounting Configurations
Accounting Configurations on sales agent module is a bridge of communication between Accounting module and Sales Agent Module. It helps to configure the interaction of the two modules and easy way to transfer invoice for accountant validation part.
Data Export and Data filters
Every page with Data will have filter to 80 rows and a csv format quick download options as well as PDF Format.