Home CRM: Applications

Home CRM: Applications

The Applications tab is commonly used for viewing customer information and completing actions such as recording an installation, collection, technical issue etc. As you an see from the image below the customers' information are shown in list format ordered by customer ID. If you know the customer ID of the customer that you are looking for you can input it in the search bar on the top right.

This action can only be performed by these following roles:

  • Call Operator
  • Call Center Supervisor
  • Call Center Manager

The image below is an overview of customer details in the Applications tab. The information in the highlighted box is the customer PAYG information with key details about the customer's pay rate, on time balance and control unit status.

Below are multiple tabs that display other customer information and allow the user to perform specific actions.

Personal information: This tab display all of the customer's personal details e.g Home address, Date of Birth, Application date etc.

Timeline: The Timeline tab gives an overview of the customer's PAYG information in timeline chart format. You can zoom in and out to view more specific information regarding the dates or use the quick filters just above the chart to zoom to a specific time span.

On time Transactions: The On time Transactions tab displays a history of on time added or removed automatically from the customer with date and timestamps.

In some circumstances, manual on time can be added with the reason for why explained in the designated field.

Note - You can only remove as much on time as you have manually added; automatically generated on time by the system cannot be manually removed.

Sales Agent Information: This tab shows information on the Sales Agent that initially signed up the customer. Here you will find their company details and commission data.

Applications Product Information: This tab is where you can view the customers product information.

Applications Products - This shows the products that the customer has; when it was installed, how much they are paying for each and also the warranty end date.

Application Product components - This is breakdown of what components are inside each product. One product can contain a number of different components as shown below.

Control Unit Details: This shows information on the control unit that is assigned to the customer. It also shows the history of all the Control Units that the customers has had.

Only one will have a status of 'Active' which is the control unit that the customer is currently in possession of.

In Pulse, to install a customer in 'Book Installation' state the shop staff must assign a CU to be installed to the customer (Assign Stock) prior to recording the installation. This is the date that will reflect in the 'Date Stock Assigned' field below.

In ERP however, the Assign Stock action does not exist and so the serial number of the CU to be installed with the customer is only entered when completing the recording of the installation. In this case, the Date Stock Assigned field will be empty as it is in the screenshot below, but you will still see an Active CU present.

Control Unit Status History: This is within the Control Unit Details tab. It shows the history of the control unit status changes since it has been in the customer's possession.

Payments: The payments tab shows all the details of payments transactions with the customer since they have been signed up.

Payment Schedule: The payment schedule tab is similar to the Payments tab with the difference that as well as payments made to date it also shows future payments to be taken up until the end of the customer's contract.

Sale Orders: The Sales Orders tab includes information on the customer's stock move and the invoice for their products. You can also find the delivery orders within this tab.

Extra Info: The Extra Info tab contains other relevant information about the customer and their status regarding payments, their control unit and their application.

Product Actions: The Product Actions tab includes Control Unit information regarding installations, Repossessions and Technical Issues. This is where all of these actions are recorded in the present along with all past records. As you can see below any record has all relevant information even as specific as the member of staff that executed it.

Actions and SMS History 

Actions - The Actions tab shows a list of all the actions completed regarding the Control Unit since it has been assigned to the customer.

SMS - This tab shows a list of all SMS messages that have been sent to the customer since they signed up with dates and timestamps.

Status and Payment Status History

Status Changes - This tab contains the history of all the changes that have taken place regarding the customer's status with dates and timestamps.

Payment Status History - This tab shows how a history of the changes that have occurred with the customer's status. This may be influenced by late payment being made.

The Utilization bars below represents how much energy the customer has used in comparison to how much they have paid.

Supervisor - The Supervisor tab is visible to only specific users that have been granted the Supervisor permission. This is because it contains a list of functions that can modify a customers application and also error fixing buttons to force the system to perform particular checks.


Admin Actions - This tab is similar to the Supervisor tab as only users that have been granted Admin permissions will be able to see it. It contains more technical functions that can change important data in the system.