How to upload Manual payments in Pulse 2.0
In this document, we have the detailed steps of uploading manual payments
Uploading manual payments for a client with one Account ID
Uploading manual payments for a client with more than one Account ID
A. Uploading manual payments for a client with one Account ID
Edit the given template with details i.e Date, Transaction ID, Phone, Amount, Account ID, and save it
Don’t put any spacing between the Date, Transaction ID, phone, and Amount.
The order of the details doesn’t matter, so long as you name the columns correctly
The template doesn’t change if you paying for a single customer or multiple customers
You can only put either a phone number or customer ID in the template
Payments that are manually uploaded files need to be validated so that the information is correct.
Validation Requirements
The cash or Bank payment file is manually uploaded.
The following needs to be validated
The amount that has been paid should be described
The transaction number should be unique.
Phone number format
Country code is correct
Correct number of digits
Date format - The only format recognized by the system is YYYY-MM-DD.
Account ID This is for specifying who the payment belongs to and for the account ID you can even use the serial number of the customer contract
When making a payment for a single customer this is how the details should be added to the template
2. Click on the 9-dot menu and select payments
3. Click on the upload payment button
4. Select Payment provider from the drop-down list
5. Click on a file to upload the template file you saved or drag and drop the file
6. Select the saved template and upload it
7. The file will be uploaded successfully
8. Click on Save, the uploaded file will be saved
9. Payment upload has succeeded and then close
10. Payment will show as matched on the payments summary page
B. Uploading manual payments for a client with more than one Account ID
Step 10: The payment will show as unmatched
Step 11. Click on that transaction and it will display the details as below then click match
Step 12. The details of the transaction will displayed and you will be prompted to input either the Account ID, serial number, or customer primary number.
Step 13. Select the Account and save
Step 14. You will be prompted to confirm. Once you confirm the payment will be matched
Step 15. The Payment is matched
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