Upgrading completed/opt-out customers in ERP

Upgrading completed/opt-out customers in ERP

Upgrade Eligibility for completed customers

Technically all completed customers are eligible for an upgrade however, NGUs can put on their own rules even though won’t be enforced by the system :

  • Before upgrading a customer, the system will always request the user to tick basic eligibility criteria​

  • When upgrading this type of customers, the system shows the customer contract performance so that a user can decide to upgrade a customer or to not ;

Note: ​

  • The above helps to qualify who is eligible for the upgrade or not. This means a call operator will be the one to qualify customers and disqualifying others based on the rules that each NGU is going to set​

  •  The main difference with the current upgrade model in ERP is​:

    • No system CP validation​

    • No expiry date validation  ​

  • During the time of the upgrade, the customer undergoes a credit check ​

  • During the period of the upgrade, the customer goes through a credit check to get another upgrade

  • A completed customer with an upgrade will be credit checked if he gets another upgrade throughout the period he is paying for that upgrade​

Note: At the first time this customer upgrade from completion status he won’t be credit checked by the system, but NGUs can set up rules which could be enforced by the call center while upgrading the customer. ​

How to Upgrade a Completed Customer?

A completed customer request for an upgrade?​

  • Search a customer to upgrade ​

 Or can search from ERP search field to access customer application

  • Open customer ​

  • Choose customer application, then click the upgrade icon​


  • Tick all eligibility criteria in Red ​

  • Click “View product list”​

  • Choose a product a customer want to upgrade on from the product list​

  • Click “+” to add the product to the customer application product​


  • Check if the correct daily rate is added, then click “upgrade” to confirm the upgrade​:


  • Customer is moved to pay down payment- inform customer to pay in no more than 24 hours​

  • If customer pay DP move to book install- inform customer to come to pick the upgrade or schedule a tech visit if it requires installation ​

  • Customers start paying for the upgrade​