Configure alerts in ERP

Configure alerts in ERP

This action can only be performed by these following roles:

  • Shop Managers
  • Retail Manager
  • Retail Supervisors
  • Call Center Supervisor
  • Customer Service Manager
  1. How to 'enable' Alert actions on ERP for NGU

    1. Open url for respective NGU, find Settings module → Configurations → SS Alerts

    2. Select Alert Type (Inactive Pending Enable/Inactive Pending Disable), select edit → Action

    3. Select preferred action from list of actions provide and Save form

    4.Additional configurations - For all actions (except 'No Action')

    • Cool down period: Wait time before raising alerts  (prevents the possibility of having too many alerts tickets raised all the time)
    • Restrict by dismiss: Restrict users from closing out technical issue tickets with an active alert, only closed out via dismissal from SMART Solar
    • Compute actions to specific shops: For pilot or phased rolled out

    5.If SMS action is selected, admin must create the SMS template/text that will be sent to customers (same way as other Call Center SMS templates are created)

Example of call action:


A) In outgoing call, a new call will be triggered when an alert is raised:

B) The technical issue appears in "draft"

C The technical issue is pre-filled and you can schedule a technician visit. Note: "resolved" will close the ticket 

D) The technician issue appears in the list of "registered technical issues" with status "open (pending technician visit)"



- If a ticket which was created by another alert is still open, this new ticket cannot be created. So I recommend to manually solve any old tickets which might have been created by alerts. For example, the tickets related to "Low battery state-of-health" are probably not that relevant. 

- If a ticket which was created during a call to the call center or at the shop is still open, this ticket will now have the additional information about the tamper alert.

-if last week an alert was raised, and today I configure the alerts to trigger call actions, then its not going to create a call action. -confirmed by Sergio