Home CRM: Control Unit

Home CRM: Control Unit

The Control unit tab  is used for viewing control unit information. As you can see from the image below control unit information are shown in list format ordered by customer ID. If you know the serial number that you are looking for you can input it in the search bar on the top right.

Below is an overview of what can be seen once a control unit is selected from the list.

IMEI - The IMEI number is used to identify the control unit on terrestrial cellular networks

Serial Number - The serial number is the unique identifier for the control unit

Smart Solar Entity ID - This is an ID number assigned to the control unit that indicates which entity the control unit belongs to

Is the control unit confirmed by SS as set to OD? - 

Enable Status - This is the current status of the control unit; used as an indicator to know whether the unit is switched on or off

Last Time The Enable Status Was Changed - The date and time of the last time a change occurred with the enable status

Last User That Changed The Enable Status - This shows the email address of the last user that changed the enable status

Smart Solar Unit State -

The Customer History section contains the history of all customers that the control unit has been assigned to since production. This included all key information as shown above including the serial number, customer ID, and start to end date of possession. The Active status is used as an indicator see to who the control unit is currently with; in this case, the end date of that customer will be missing.

The Current Customer section shows the current customer in possession of the control unit. This can be used to confirm along with the Customer History section who it is assigned to at the present time.

The 'Set to Offline Disable mode' function is a button that overrides a control unit if it is in 'Enabled' status and sets it to Offline Disable mode.

Note: This function only visible for users can have the 'CRM: Administrator' permission as it is within the Admin tools tab.

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