CRM: Serial Number History

CRM: Serial Number History

The Serial Number History tab is used for viewing Control Unit serial number information; specifically the history. re. As you can see from the image below the customers' information are shown in list format ordered by Product Serial Number. If you know the serial number of the unit that you are looking for you can input it in the search bar on the top right.

If you search for a specific serial number using the search bar at the top right, the result will show all customers that the serial number has been attached to in descending order with the most recent/active customer at the bottom of the list.

Here is an overview of what can be seen once a customer is selected from the list.

Serial Number - The Serial number of the Control Unit

Control Unit - The IMEI number followed by the serial number

Customer - The customer that the CU is currently attached to. If this field is empty, it means the CU is currently unassigned

Start - The start date of when the CU was assigned to the current customer

End - The end date of when the CU was unassigned from the customer. If this field is empty, it is still assigned to the customer

If you notice a 'SMART UNKNOWN' entry, it means that a customer is in possession of a CU whose serial number is not known. To resolve this, the customer must be contacted by someone from the Call centre to confirm the serial number on the back of the unit. Once confirmed, the Call Operator can update the customer's application with the correction.

The 'More' drop-down list includes some options that can also be used to perform actions regarding the CU. As the first two are no longer in use, only the last four will be described.

Set invalid serial to SMART UNKNOWN - Sets the customer's serial number field to 'SMART UNKNOWN'

Void Serial Number History - Voids the selected record from the serial number's history list

Delete - Deletes the record from the history list

Duplicate - Creates a duplicate of the selected record in the serial number history list

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