Pulse : Customer Detail Page
This article provides description of the fields that we have on the customer detail page in Pulse.
How is customer detail page structured?
The customer detail page is composed with 9 cards, and each card has different information in it.
Customer details
Product & package
Payment history
Product Actions
Product Alerts
Shop Information
Customer pictures
1. Customer details
This card provides the mainly needed customer details
On the top there are customer names
BXCR45315455 stands for the account ID
Account status
Phone number(s)
Customer Addresses:
Geo locations: when the latitudes and longitudes are record by the technicians, they are displayed here. And when the user clicks on them, he can change coordinates formats.
Customer data to help the company in the future analysis:
Date of birth
National ID details:
ID type
ID number
2. Product & package
This card shows the product and package that the customer account has.
Control Unit details:
Serial Number
Start date
Serial number history
Details about the product(s)/package:
Product/Package name
Power: it produces or consumes
The color will be:
green for the products that produce power and a positive value
red for the products that consume power and a negative value
Downpayment amount
Monthly Installment amount
If package, user can see the components of the package
3. Payment History
This card displays the info related to the customer payment(s)
Days credit
Payment details:
Total amount paid
Cash balance
Current daily rate
Weekly rate
Down payment
Amount to ESF only
Credit expiry date
Consecutive days late
Default date
Recent payments info
Payment history: shows every payment that the customer has made
On-time history: shows how the customer has been given the ontime
4. Product Actions
This section displays the actions for the specific products (they are either pending or done). The pending actions work like shortcut to the right form.
As mentioned above, there are two types (Pending and Done). And other information displayed are:
Number of actions
Category: category of the pending actions.
Shortcut to the form
Date when it was schedule
Due date of the action
ID of the action
5. Product Alerts
Displays all the alerts for the products of the same customer.
Number of alerts
Alert type
Alert category
Date it happened
Dismissed date
Dismissal reason
Load more: to get more hidden alerts because the list might be very long
6. Shop Information
Displays the details for:
the shop that does/did the installation and
Shop id
Shop name
Shop hub
the salesperson who made the sale
Agent code
Agent Names
Agent’s phone number(s)
7. Customer pictures
Displays the picture(s) of the customer, mostly taken by the technician using the technician app.
Pictures categories are: Customer face, ID, House, Contract, Product installed and Other.
You can also open the picture in full mode and browse through other pictures.
User can post and see the comment(s) for the specific customer.
9. Communications
It has two sections: Calls and SMS. And the user can see the number of Calls made to the customer, and the same to the SMS submit to the customer.