Pulse credit and DCM unit credit balance Pulse display

Pulse credit and DCM unit credit balance Pulse display


We have received feedback that it was hard to interpret credit balance-related information in Pulse for both Sever Credit Management (SCM) and Device Credit Management (DCM) customers  

Purpose of this display implementation:

Pulse users (e.g., Call operators and Shop Managers) should know how much credit is on the device, so that they know whether the device is supposed to be on or off.

This will allow them to effectively diagnose customers' credit-related issues by showing up-to-date credit remaining for the customer based on the device.


Therefore, the below improvements have been made to allow Pulse users to easily interpret credit balances (Pulse and unit)related information:

  • Pulse Credit Balance: is the usual on-time based on Pulse (when a payment was received). The outcome should be that anytime a payment is matched to the customer, Pulse calculates the on-time. It should give and update the on-time balance.

  • Unit Credit Balance: shows the credit balance on the device as of today. So for DCM units Pulse shows two fields "Pulse credit" and "current unit credits" which is the source of truth

  1. For SCM:

  • You can see Pulse Credits in days/hours/min/seconds 

  • And unit credits balance show as N/A because for SCM Pulse is the source of truth.


2. For DCM 

  • You will be able to see Pulse credits in days/hours/min/seconds. So, this is the credit calculated by Pulse anytime payment from a DCM customer is matched to the customer’s account  

  • You will also be able to see unit credits balance in days/hours/min/seconds: This shows the exact days in the unit based on Smart Solar hence allows to diagnose DCM customer credit-related issues.  


For DCM; Pulse credit balance and the current unit; credit balance could be slightly different once in a while because currently, we have a rule that ERP/Pulse synchs Smart Solar for the recent unit balance once in a week and when ERP/Pulse is 2 days to expiry.  However, we believe once the synchronization happens, Pulse credit balance and unit credit balance will be aligned. In Addition, for DCM, unit credit balance is the source of truth.