Home Pulse : How to upgrade a customer
Selling upgrades is new to Pulse users. And this article explains how to do that.
This will be done by Pulse users with permissions related to Customers module, such as
Call Centre
Shop Managers
Retail Supervisors
Other users
Below is a quick demo video on how to upgrade a customer in Pulse
Text Instructions
Follow this step by step instructions:
Look-up the customer you want to upgrade
Open the upgrade form and follow the steps
Choose the products the customer wants
Add a Sales Agent (if applicable)
Review the info on Summary page
1. Lookup the customer to upgrade
Using the customer search page, there are 4 steps:
Name, Phone or ID: you can search a customer by his name, or his phone number or even his unique Bboxx Customer ID. You choose any of those.
Customer’s shop: if you are not sure about his shop, select Global search
Customer status: you don’t need to select a status
Search (button): click on this button, to open that customer’s detail page
Here is a documentation for the customer detail page.
On the customer detail page,
Click on “Call” button
Choose “Customer upgrade”
2. Open the upgrade form and follow the steps
Pulse will assess eligibility for an upgrade based on (1) credit check for upgrades algorithm, if NGU has the algorithm enabled and (2) contract performance, if NGU doesn’t have the algorithm enabled.
If a customer is eligible, the user will see tick marks on all the requirements, and the customer account will be marked as “Upgrade Permitted”. This means they have met all the required conditions for upgrading.
a. For NGUs using contract performance, they will be able to check if the customer has achieved the required contract performance to be eligible for an upgrade.
b. For NGUs that have the credit check algorithm enabled, they will see an additional condition (“credit check”, replacing contract performance) and they can check whether a customer has passed the credit check based on the algorithm’s recommendation, in addition to the other requirements. Therefore, a customer has to pass credit check (be recommended by the model as eligible) in addition to meeting the other requirements for them to be eligible for an upgrade.
If a customer is not eligible for an upgrade, based on all the conditions outlined, there will be a cross marked on the “upgrade permitted” field and the field labeled as “not permitted”. This means that the customer hasn’t met all the conditions required to be eligible for an upgrade.
2.1. If the customer is eligible for an upgrade, verify the customer information
To verify the customer info, you check if the customer name and phone numbers are correct and you tick the boxes. Then you click on Next.
If the customer details are not correct, you need to fix that before you proceed
You cannot proceed to the next steps, if you don’t verify the customer details
Choose the products the customer wants
To choose the product(s), you check the name of the product the customer names and click on the + sign that is on the left of that product. You will also see that the number increases from zero (ascending order) as you click on the + sign.
To remove the product(s), you click on the - sign and the number will decrease towards zero.
As you add/remove the products the “Total Energy available” will also change
When it’s positive it’s in green color. Positive means that the products will be consuming less energy than the system can produce.
It’s red when it’s negative. Negative means that the products will be consuming more energy than the system can produce.
When this happens, you get a warning to tell you that you have exceeded the energy limit but Pulse doesn’t stop you from proceeding (if the customer insists).
If you want to proceed with click on “Close”. And click on “Next” button.
4. Add a Sales Agent (if applicable)
Sales Agent is optional but you can’t proceed if you don't select one or at least specify that there was no Sales Agent involvement.
To specify that, you disable to toggle that has text “Sales Agent”
To lookup a Sales Agent, you can use their name(s) or their Bboxx agent code. But using the Bboxx agent code would be much faster because they are unique.
4.1. Lookup a Sales Agent with their name(s)
You type at least one of the names of the Sales Agent and click on Search
If your search returns one result, the Sales Agent names, Sales Agent code and Phone fields are filled automatically, otherwise it will give you the list of the search results to choose from. You can also click on clear to refine your search.
Or you can use a quick option which is using the Sales Agent code
4.2. Lookup a Sales Agent with their unique code
You can type in the full agent code or just use the 4 digits in the agent code. And click on ‘Search’
And the right Sales Agent will be selected. Click on “Next” button
5. Review the info on Summary page
The summary page has:
Upgrade info:
Customer name: Full names of the customer
Account ID: the unique account ID of the customer
Upgrade down payment: total initial payment required for the upgrade
Upgrade Monthly Fees: total amount the customer will be paying for the upgrade on monthly basis
Total Energy available: difference between energy production and energy consumption
Sales agent: the name of the sales agent who is linked to this upgrade
Current daily rate: the daily rate that the customer has before upgrading
New daily rate: the customer’s daily rate after upgrading
Upgrade table:
Qty: number of items selected per product
Product code: the unique product code
Product name: the name of the product
Down payment: the initial payment required for a product
Daily rate: the daily payment required for a product
Monthly rate: the monthly payment required for a product
Energy Usage: the amount of energy the product consumes (always in negative)
3 buttons:
Back: Go back to the previous page
Cancel: Cancel the application. This will take you back to the customer detail page.
Submit: Submitting the upgrade application
When your application submission is successful, you get the success message.
When you close the success message, you land to the customer detail page. And account status changes to ‘Pay upgrade down payment’
Upgrade Customer Endpoints.
On the backend, the web app is calling the data warehouse API for customer upgrade model check (to verify whether the customer is eligible for the upgrade or not).
1. The API is taking unique_customer_id as argument from the customer table.
2. The front-end web app 4 checks to verify customer eligibility for the upgrade, (certain conditions on client status, payment status, credit expires, contract performance).
3. Another check CU status depends on the API data (from data warehouse), in “ngu-configuration” we have CRM, in CRM we have “upgrades” as Boolean if it is “false” then it should be checked manually if it is “true” then it is managed by API call.